Sunday, March 04, 2007

Independent news from African-American Los Angeles

After covering a story down the street, a Hood News reporter shoots footage of the LAPD shooting at a homeless man who was running away from them. The police tried to stop Hood News from filming and argued with the reporter.

I came across this after watching a message from the stars of the NBA to the youth of the urban ghettos of the US. A few black basketball stars who had grown up in the hood had some words for these African-American communities. In this other Hood News video, the crew also try to interview the young star LeBron James and are snubbed. The crew dismiss James as 'Hollywood' when he refuses an interview. The reporter said that James was refusing to address a "community in poverty, and up and coming youth" as LeBron James stood behind him, and then called to James to give a shout out on Hood News, but was totally ignored as James got into his car. The reporter reckoned he was on a "solo mission" and it was "a disappointment to the black culture, and minorities". See also details of LeBron's dance-off defeat, below.

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